Mother’s Day Gift- the gift of peace of mind

Perhaps the best gift you can get your mother (and yourself) for Mother’s Day is an estate plan.  I tell my clients that it is their responsibility to make sure that their parents have estate plans.  Why?  Because when your parent dies, as the child, you (and your siblings) will have to organize and wrap […]

Royal Prenup

If you are anything like me, you were glued to your television this morning, to catch a glimpse of the royal bride before you headed off to work.  It has been reported that Will and Kate did not sign a prenup before getting married.  Although I would recommend a prenup for most couples (Crystal and […]

LLC Formation

If you are considering forming an LLC, there are many steps you have to take.  You have to check to see if your business name is available, you have to fill out the Articles of Organization, and then you have to send the completed form, along with the filing fee to the Secretary of State.  […]

The Tax Holiday

With taxes due in exactly one week, procrastinators everywhere are scrambling to finish their taxes so as to avoid the IRS radar.  My initial advice is to not wait until the week before taxes are due before starting them.  However, we are a busy society and if you find that you are a procrastinator, that […]

April Fool’s

I was never much of a prankster on April Fool’s Day.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a practical joke as much as the next person.  Its just that April first sneaks up on me so quickly, and good practical jokes come in one of two ways: they are either carefully planned out to perfection, or they just […]

Communicate with your Attorney about how you like to Communicate

While in law school, I completed an internship in the Ethics Department of the Columbus Bar Association.  That department was created to handle complaints of attorney misconduct.  The complaints that we received fell into one of two categories: 1) complaints about an attorney’s lack of communication with his clients 2) all other complaints.  By far, […]

Juvenile Court- Delinquency and Unruly Cases

Because many attorneys do not work in the juvenile courts, it is something I get asked about often.  Juvenile court is very different from common pleas and municipal court.  I got interested in working in the juvenile court when I was working on my Masters degree at Xavier University.  It was at Xavier that I learned that […]

Divorce vs. Dissolution

One of the most common questions I get from my family law clients is about the difference between a divorce and dissolution.  Although they accomplish the same thing, there are many differences between a divorce and dissolution and most of the differences relate to the total amount of money you will spend to terminate your […]

Saving Money while hiring an Attorney

The last thing people want to pay for is attorney fees.   We have decided to start this blog to post our thoughts about many things, but mostly we want to inform people about how they can save money when they hire an attorney.  Believe it or not, there are many things clients can do to save […]